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Title: Comparative Study of Shukthi and Kukkutanda Twak Bhashma
Authors: Senavirathne, A.M.N.D.
Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.
Nallaperuma, D.M.
Keywords: Suda Varga
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo
Citation: Senavirathne, A.M.N.D., Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K., and Nallaperuma, D.M. (2024). Comparative Study of Shukthi and Kukkutanda Twak Bhashma. Proceedings: 10th International Conference on Ayurveda ,Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine (iCAUST 2024).
Abstract: Rasa shastra is an important pharmaceutical branch in Ayurveda. Mercury is the main material in Rasa shastra. Other than mercury, different animal materials, minerals, gems, marine- originated materials and some toxic plants are also described under Rasa shastra. Among these materials Shukthi (oyster shells) and Kukkutanda twak (egg shells) are some of the commonly used animal materials. These materials contain Calcium and categorized under Suda varga. The objective of this study is to prepare Shukthi and Kukkutanda twak bhashma according to classical Rasa shastra text and to compare pH value, moisture content and calcium percentages of these two Bhashma. The boiling and steaming method were used for the purification, and incineration was done by using muffle furnace accordingly at 350oC and 1600C respectively. According to physico-chemical analysis, moisture content of two samples were relatively low (1.3% and 1.4% respectively). Both samples were having an alkaline pH value (8 and 9.5 respectively). The calcium percentage in each Bhashma was determined using titration method. Results revealed that all the Bhashma are within the standard parameters according to classical texts. The highest calcium percentage was reported from Kukkutanda twak bhashma (99.9%) and Shukthi bhashma was reported as 99.3%. Therefore, Kukkutanda twak bhashma which has the highest calcium percentage can be highly recommended as a nutritional supplement for calcium deficiencies.
Appears in Collections:Department of Ayurveda Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics and Community Medicine

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