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Title: Changes in Total Antioxidant Activities of Sri Lankan Rice (Oryza sativa L.) during Domestic Cooking and Antioxidative Benefits of Rice Consumption in the Daily Diet
Authors: Gunawardana, W.
Witharana, C.
Wageesha, N.D.A.
Gunawardana, S.A.
Perera, L.C.
Keywords: Rice
Antioxidant Activity
Cooked Grains
Nutraceutical Properties
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: University of Colombo
Citation: Gunawardana, W., Witharana, C., Wageesha, N.D.A., Gunawardana, S.A., and Perera, L.C. (2024). Changes in Total Antioxidant Activities of Sri Lankan Rice (Oryza sativa L.) during Domestic Cooking and Antioxidative Benefits of Rice Consumption in the Daily Diet. Proceedings: University of Colombo Annual Research Symposium 2024, p.295.
Abstract: Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is renowned for its richness in bioactive compounds, which can be altered by cooking. This research explored the effects of cooking on the antioxidant activities of Sri Lankan rice varieties and ...
Appears in Collections:Department of Zoology

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