Department of Ayurveda Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics and Community Medicine : [40] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 40
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Determination of drug safety of Ramabana Rasaya in the Sri Lankan herbal industryLokuthotahewa, U.E.; Paranagama, P.A.; Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.
2014Concepts of Puta and its usageHerapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.; Samarakoon, S.M.S.
2024Comparative Study of Shukthi and Kukkutanda Twak BhashmaSenavirathne, A.M.N.D.; Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.; Nallaperuma, D.M.
2024Comparative study of bhashma prepared by using different marine-originated animal materialsSenavirathne, A.M.N.D.; Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.; Nallaperuma, D.M.
2021Comparative Pharmaceutical And analytical Study of Ayurveda vs Sri Lankan Traditional Method of Kwatha DecotionSenarathne, U.R.S.R.K; Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.
2020Comparative clinical evaluation of Sihin Midi (Premna Intergrifolia linn) decoction and guggulu capsule in Athusthaulya (Obesity)Hapuarachchi, S.D.; De Silva, K.D.W.; Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.; Perera, P.K.
2023Analytical study of Shodhana Process of Guggul by using different Liquid MediaMudannayaka, D.K.; Jayawardhane, R.S.; Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.
2023Analytical study of different sample of Kithul Jaggery (prepared by using Caryota Urens)Buwanekabahu, I.P.; Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.
2024A study of the Chemical Properties of Paspanguwa Decoction and the Raw Materials Collected from Selected AreasRathnasiri, S.D.M.P.; Prashantha, M.A.B.; Godakumbura, P.I.; Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.
2024A Physico-Chemical Analysis of a Traditional Polyherbo-Mineral Formulation: Vathagajendrasingha Vati and IngredientsEkanayake, E.M.I.G.M.; Prashantha, M.A.B.; Godakumbura, P.I.; Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.
2021A Literature Review On Lokanatha Rasa with special reference to Liver and Spleen DisordersHerapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.; Paranagama, P.A.; Ranasinghe, S.
2021A comprehensive study of COVID-19 pandemic on Ayurveda aspectDushmantha, W.K.T.; Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.
2021A Comprehensive Review on Ratha taila for Management of Rathagaya namely Infant/ Childhood Atopic DermatitisDushmantha, W.K.T.; Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.
2019A clinical study on the effect of Mahapasmul decoction on Sthaulya (Overweight and Obesity)Samarakoon, S.M.S.; Ratnayake, R.M.A.; Herapathdeniya, S.K.M.K.
2018Evaluation of the In Vitro and In Vivo Antioxidant Potentials of Sudarshana PowderWeerakoon, W.A.S.S.; Perera, P.K.; Gunasekera, D.; Suresh, T.S.
2020Evaluation of phytochemical, physicochemical parameters and HPTLC fingerprints of different extracts of Nil Aweriya (Indigofera tinctoria L.) leaves grown in Sri Lanka.Hapuarachchi, S.D.; Silva, D.; Kodithuwakku, N.; Perera, P.K.
2019Efficacy of two Ayurveda Drug Regimens for Uterine Fibroids, a Randomized, Single Blind, Three-Arm, Clinical Trial- Study ProtocolKarunagoda, K.; Perera, P.K.; Senanayake, H.
2020Ethnopharmacological Use and Biological Activities of Tragia involucrata L.Pallie, M.S.; Perera, P.K.; Kumarasinghe, N.; Arawwawala, M.; Goonasekara, C.L.
2021Efficacy and Safety of the Two Ayurveda Drug Regimens in Uterine Fibroids: A Randomized Single-Blind Clinical TrialKarunagoda, K.P.K.R.; Perera, P.K.; Senanayake, H.; Weliange, S.D.S.
2021Household-Based Survey on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices towards Dengue Infection and Prevention in a Semi-Urban Area (Ja-Ela MOH Area)Perera, W.L.S.; Perera, P.K.; Wijesundara, C.; Ambagahawita, A.M.; Fernando, S.U.; Udara, S.; Bandaranayaka, K.O.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 40