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Title: Mathematical structure for accumulations given by integration
Authors: Ganegoda, N.C.
Boralugoda, S.K.
Kumara, K.K.W.A.S.
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: University of Colombo
Citation: Annual Research Proceedings, University of Colombo held on June 2011
Abstract: Abstract The structure presented here is very much applicable in ignoring unexpected variations that would hamper identifying general behavior corresponding to an accumulation. UnGHUSLQQLQJ FRQFHSW SUHYDLOV LQ ³DOPRVW HYHU\ZKHUH´ IDFW ZKLFK DVVRFLDWHV ZLWK Lebesgue measure. The structural context is in fundamental nature, where further mathematical theories on curve fitting, cardinality of sets, non-smooth analysis and interval partitioning can be incorporated
Appears in Collections:Science

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