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Title: Case Book for MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) Part 11
Authors: Jiffry, M.N
Issue Date: 1996
Citation: MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
Abstract: Anaemia complicating pergnancy; A pregnancy in a rhesus negative mother; Grand multipara with an unstable lie; Mitral stenosis complicating pergnancy; Vacuum extraction done for foetal distress; Cord presentation -emergancy caesarean section done; Hand prolapse-emegency caesarean section done; Term-prelabour rupture of membranes; Diabetes mellitus complicating pregnancy; Ovarian cyst complicating pergnancy; Shoulder dystocia; Polyhydramnios due to anencephaly; Intrauterine death following abruptio placentae; Manual removal of the placenta; Acute inversion of the uterus; Active management of labour in a primigravida; Assisted breech delivery in a multigravida; Foetal distress-forceps delivery done; Past dates-induction of labour; Heart disease complicating pregnancy; Vaginal delivery in a patient with previous LSCS; Twin pregnancy-delivered by elective LSCS; Third degree placenta praevia-LSCS done; Eclampsia-emegency caesarean section done; Ruptured uterus-emergency hysterectomy done; A prospective analytic study of preterm delivery by caesarean section; Gynaecology; Introduction to gynaecology case records; Haematocolpos; Cervical erosion-treated with electrocautery; Bartholin's abscess-Marsupialization done; Perimenopausal bleeding-D and C done; Gartner's cyst-cystectomy done; Laparoscopy as a diagnostic tool in subfertility; Incompleted abortion; Cervical incompetence-McDonald's cerclage done; Condylomata acuminata; Trichomonas vaginitis; Urethral caruncle-excision biopsy done; Stress incontinence-kelly's repair done; Removal of a transmigrated I.U.C.D.; Senile pyometra-surgical drainage done; Carcinoma of the cervix-treated with radiotherapy; Interval abdominal sterilization; Hydatidiform mole; Secondary subfertility due to endometriosis; Ovarian cyst-cystectomy done; Adenomatous hyperplacia of the endometrium; Adenocarcinoma of the endometrium; Leiomyma of the uterus-myomectomy done; Multiple fibromyomata-total hysterectomy done; Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, A case of ; Second degree utero vaginal prolapse; Extrauterine gestation, A comprehensive review of
Appears in Collections:Masters Theses - Postgraduate Institute of Medicine

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